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Archive for October 2009

Citius, Altius

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The title actually refers to Felix’s desire to always go faster or be lifted up higher (so he can touch things like lights and fans).

We have been settling into a new schedule with the start of the fall semester and the job that B started working over the summer. And we found out that GVSU will actually be repeating the job search that was called off last year that turns C’s position into a tenure-track one. So, we’re starting that all over again. Luckily, we’re in Michigan and we love fall here.

Since Felix is the only real news, we’ll just get on to the stuff that matters. A year ago we had our families here for Felix’s blessing. He has changed a lot since then.




In some ways, Felix has changed a lot. Here are some things he likes now that he didn’t a year ago:

1. Playing with doors. He will stand at our bedroom door and open and shut it, giggle, open it and shut it again, giggle some more and talk to himself, etc. for a long time.

2. Going on runs in the running stroller. He used to hate being strapped down in the stroller and wasn’t much fun to run with. But now, …

3. Hugging. Felix has entered a new phase that we like a lot. He loves to hug. Hug mom, hug dad, hug teddy bear, hug blankets, he’s a great hugger.
(teddy bear got to be upside-down for this hug)

In many ways, he’s still the same as he was a year ago.

He still loves to look at books and be read to
(by the way, this picture doesn’t come close to doing justice to how cute he looks in his super hero sleeper -C)

He loves to eat

And we still think he’s cutest when he’s asleep.

This sounds cheesy (and you all know our aversion to cheesiness), but being Felix’s parents just keeps getting better and better.

(If you didn’t see the short video of him walking, click on the link in the short post just after this one.)

Written by rapidgrowth

11 October, 2009 at 7:21 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

Walk like a Felixian

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After a long hiatus, we offer at least this video.  More will come soon.  Click on the link.

Felix Walks

Written by rapidgrowth

9 October, 2009 at 2:25 pm

Posted in Uncategorized